A potentiator is an ingredient or method that makes a substance even more potent. As a result, you may need less of your Kratom, or you can enjoy the benefits for a longer time throughout your day or night. For many Kratom users, having to use less of their Kratom can save money and time.
Those who have high tolerance or who purchase during seasons where the weather is not ideal for farming potent Kratom, may want to consider potentiators from time to time. If you’re looking for a new way to spice up your Kratom routine, adding a potentiator can be a game-changer. In addition to a more potent experience, many ingredients offer potential health benefits. Whether its Green, Red, White, or Yellow, it doesn’t matter what strain you choose to potentiate.
Our favourite potentiator with plentiful health benefits is Nigella Sativa plant Extract. Also known as Black Seed, Black Cumin, Fennel Flower, Black Caraway, and Roman Coriander, this incredible plant mainly grows in Southern Europe, the Middle East, and Southwest Asia. Nigella Sativa has a peppery smell and taste which is quite good at neutralizing strong bitter tastes.
The key ingredient in Nigella Sativa is its Thymoquinone which has a wide range of medical applications including treatment of Asthma, Hypertension, Diabetes, Inflammation, Cough, Headache, Eczema, Fever, Dizziness, and the Flu. It is also a strong natural antioxidant with hepatoprotective properties. Nigella Sativa is also a good source of Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Thiamin, Niacin, Phosphorous, and Folic Acid.
If you believe that potentiators and Nigella Sativa may be a good fit for you, check out our latest product listing for Nigella Sativa 5% Thymoquinone Extract capsules. Give your Kratom experience a boost!
DISCLAIMER: We are not medical experts and this article is not meant to provide medical advice.